What is the IRP?
The IRP stands for the International Registrations Plan and is an agreement between all the states in America as well as the provinces of Canada. Before the IRP, each state and province had their own rules, regulations, and fees, which made things difficult for truck drivers. One would have to pay fees for every state they traveled in as well as apply for the required permits on a per-state basis. Needless to say, this complicated trucking. In 1994, all of that changed with the implementation of the IRP. Now the permit process is all in one easy-to-find location. Well, as easy as a government institution will allow it to be.
Who needs the IRP?
Most, if not all, drivers who drive semi-trucks will more than likely need to file with the IRP. The requirements are for anyone who falls into at least one of the following categories:
- The weight of their power units is greater than 26,000 pounds
- Their power unit and trailer are heavier than 26,000 pounds
- Their power unit has three or more axels, regardless of weight
- Their power unit engages in interstate commercial transportation in an area that is not Missouri, regardless of weight.
If your truck falls into any of those categories, you must apply for the IRP. By doing so, you’ll receive proper licensing and permits. These will help you avoid any unnecessary fees and fines by local regulators.
There are two types of licenses offered by the IRP. There are base plates and apportioned plates. Base plates are for drivers who do not plan on leaving the state and are also residents of that state. The process of getting these plates is similar to registering your vehicle. However, if your business crosses state lines, you’ll need an apportioned plate. These are a little more difficult to procure. To get these plates, you’ll need to follow all IRP guidelines and regulations.
Where do I get my Apportioned plates?
Each state has its own department that manages the IRP. You’ll need to go through your base state after you ensure your vehicle is properly registered within that state. You’ll also need to verify every state you plan to do business in and the routes through which you will travel.
How to Get the IRP
The IRP is greatly improved from the way things used to work. However, it’s not perfect. There are plenty of prerequisites that you must follow before you even apply for the IRP. The process can be daunting for a new motor carrier, but luckily, companies like IRP Registration Services are here to help. They can handle everything you need to get your apportioned license plates. They cut through the red tape and bureaucracy, so you don’t have to. Get your registration fast and easy today.