Welcome to Wyoming IRP Registration Services!

Are you a trucker who is looking to make a trip to or through Wyoming? Often a gateway to and from the Western US, Wyoming features beautiful expanses of open land. In the least populous state in the union, it is important for truckers who use Wyoming’s highways to help pay for their maintenance. Getting your IRP Wyoming apportionment is an excellent way to ensure you can drive in peace in Wyoming.

What is IRP?

The International Registration Plan, or IRP, is an agreement reached between the 48 contiguous US states, the District of Columbia, and the Canadian provinces. In effect, IRP shares the taxes collected on heavy motor carriers among the states that a carrier travels in. At a certain point, the US realized it wasn’t fair for one state to collect all of the taxes on interstate truckers. After all, those truckers use roads and highways all over the country. Why shouldn’t they pay where they drive?

With IRP apportionment, a trucker’s registration fees get spread out across the states or jurisdictions in which they drive, whether that be Wyoming or any other state. This helps the states maintain their roads more evenly across the country.

Does Every Truck Need IRP?

A welcome sign with the Wyoming sunset.

No, not every truck needs IRP. The federal government decided long ago that only the largest carriers should need to purchase this extra license. That way, those who wear down the roads the most are the ones who wind up paying for them. If you own a truck that meets the specifications of any of these three categories, then you’re on the hook for getting IRP apportionment.

  • Your truck has a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 26,000 lbs. or greater
  • Your truck has three or more axels (regardless of its weight)
  • You operate a truck as part of a combination that exceeds 26,000 lbs.

What Do I Need to Comply with IRP Regulations?

You’ll need to provide us with some information to get your IRP apportionment. Firstly, we’ll need information about your truck, including its VIN, title, and weight. We’ll need some information about you, too, including a mailing address for your decals. Finally, we’ll need to know if you have your HVUT return handy if applicable (see below for more information on HVUT). Once we compile all the information about you and your truck that we need, we’ll get your IRP apportionment in no time!

Once you obtain your apportionment, you will receive two things to display on your truck. One is your new apportioned license plates. These apportioned tags will signify that your vehicle has apportionment and is therefore legal to operate in Wyoming. The other is your cab card. This card replaces your truck’s registration and must be kept in the truck at all times. Otherwise, even if you have purchased IRP, your truck will not be legal in Wyoming. Make sure you have both on hand before you set out on your journey.

Will I Need Anything Else?

Trucks that need IRP apportionment often need to purchase IFTA decals too. IFTA, or the International Fuel Tax Agreement, is a similar agreement across multiple jurisdictions in the US and Canada. IFTA concerns the tax revenue on fuel used. Because every jurisdiction has its own rules concerning fuel use and its taxability, IFTA makes it easy for truckers. You simply purchase apportionment and let the states sort out their regulatory differences.

Extremely heavy vehicles may also be subject to the Heavy Vehicle Use Tax. This is a national tax on vehicles weighing more than 55,000 lbs. HVUT has a few exemptions, including for commercial vehicles that travel very few miles, so make sure you understand the full regulations surrounding HVUT before you jump to filing.

Start Your IRP Application Now