Colorado truckers are some of the best in the business. The Colorado Rockies provide some of the most dangerous terrain to drive through. Steep downgrades, rocky terrain, sharp curves, and harsh winter weather put even the best drivers to the test. Truckers from the Centennial State may want to expand their business for no other reason than to take a break and drive down south. Most drivers find the wide open roads of the interstate much more favorable than the narrow mountain roads of the Rockies. If your truck driving business is about to venture out across state lines, there are some hazards you need to look out for that have nothing to do with the weather. You’re going to need to learn about the IRP Colorado and understand what you’re going to need before you can legally cross state lines in your commercial truck.
IRP stands for International Registration Plan. It is an agreement between the states that participate in the IRP as well as some Canadian provinces to help drivers who travel the roads in these states. The IRP was formed back in 1973, but it wasn’t until 1991 that Congress declared that all states must join the IRP by 1996. Since 1996, every state besides Alaska and Hawaii take part in the IRP. This is essentially a road tax that helps provide maintenance and improvements to public highways. Everyone likes better roads, but it does come with a tax.
The tax paid equally helps all of the states and provinces. Before the IRP, each state had their own separate tax that would have to be paid before entering the state. This was complicated and created a lot of extra work for the average trucker. With the IRP, there is only one fee to pay that allows drivers to freely travel across the United States and Canada without having to worry.
There are two main things you will receive once you’re properly registered: an Apportioned License Plate and an Apportioned Cab Card. The apportioned tags need to be fixed to your vehicle, as well as the decals that come with the license plate. The plates and decals help you avoid any problems on the highway. If, for whatever reason, a problem arises, the Cab Card is also proof of your registration. The Cab Card includes your business and personal information as well as information about your vehicle. On the card you can find the jurisdictions your vehicle is welcome to travel through and the weight limits within the jurisdiction. It is a very important document that should be kept with your truck at all times.
No. While most trucks are required, there are certain requirements that state if your vehicle needs to be registered or not. If your truck has one or more of the following requirements, then you must apply with the IRP.
Probably not. The IRP is one of the things you must submit to cross state lines, but there are a few other things that are also required depending on the truck you drive. The two big certificates are the HVUT and the IFTA. The HVUT stands for Heavy Vehicle Use Tax, and is required for any commercial vehicle that exceeds 26,000 pounds. If the reason you need to apply for the IRP is because your vehicle exceeds 26,000 pounds, then you’ll also need an HVUT.
The IFTA is the International Fuel Tax Agreement. While the IRP allows you to travel between two or more jurisdictions, the IFTA allows you to travel between all jurisdictions that follow the International Fuel Tax Agreement. They are separate taxes and you will need to get both as one tax does not satisfy the other.
If you need these tax permits or any other permits give IRP Registration Services a call today at (888) 202-4927.