IRP Registration Services in Florida
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Feb 12, 2025

IRP vs. Trip Permits: Choosing the Right Option for Your Trucking Business

Understanding Florida Trip Permits

Out-of-state carriers operating an apportionable vehicle in Florida with a non-IRP registration from another jurisdiction must obtain a Florida trip permit before entering the state. This permit must remain with the vehicle while it operates in Florida. The same requirement applies to IFTA-qualified vehicles. IRP registrants without an IFTA account must obtain a Florida temporary fuel use permit each time they operate in Florida.

Florida Temporary Trip Permits

Since October 29, 2021, carriers can purchase Florida trip permits online via the FLHSMV Commercial Vehicle Permit Portal. A Florida Temporary Trip Permit costs $30.00 and is valid for ten (10) days. Carriers may also contact the Bureau of Commercial Vehicle and Driver Services at (850) 617-3711 on weekdays from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM to obtain a trip permit.

Hunter Permits

Out-of-state owner-operators who do not maintain IRP registration in their name and are between lease agreements can apply for a Hunter Permit. This permit allows them to move an empty truck or truck tractor between jurisdictions while searching for employment. Florida recognizes valid Hunter Permits from other jurisdictions, allowing travel in the state without requiring a Florida Hunter Permit.

IRP: A Long-Term Solution for Interstate Truckers

IRP registration services can help streamline the process for truckers looking to obtain IRP apportionment in Florida. Learn more at IRP Registration Services.

For truckers who frequently cross state lines, IRP (International Registration Plan) apportionment offers long-term flexibility. Every truck has a home state registration, but other states do not recognize these registrations. IRP solves this problem by allowing a single registration to function in all contiguous U.S. states. This option is ideal for truckers who travel regularly outside their home state, as it eliminates the need for multiple trip permits.

IRP registration is more cost-effective for truckers who frequently operate in multiple states. Instead of purchasing individual trip permits for every crossing, IRP provides broad access without repetitive paperwork and fees. If your business involves consistent interstate travel, obtaining IRP apportionment is the best choice.

Trip Permits: A Short-Term Alternative

Trip permits are the best option for truckers who primarily operate within their home state but occasionally travel across state lines. If you only cross state lines a few times per year, purchasing a temporary trip permit is more cost-effective than full IRP apportionment. Florida-based carriers who operate in other jurisdictions with an apportionable vehicle must obtain a trip permit for each jurisdiction where they travel.

Florida Hunter Permits

Florida-based owner-operators who need to move their vehicle without a load while seeking employment can obtain a Florida Hunter Permit. This permit is valid for ten (10) days and costs $5.00. Other jurisdictions recognize valid Florida Hunter Permits, and the permit must remain with the described vehicle. Carriers should contact the Bureau of Commercial Vehicle and Driver Services at (850) 617-3711 to obtain a Florida Hunter Permit.

Making the Right Decision for Your Business

Choosing between IRP apportionment and trip permits depends on your business model and travel frequency. If your operations require regular interstate travel, IRP is the most convenient and cost-effective solution. However, if you only travel out of state occasionally, trip permits offer a flexible, lower-cost alternative. Understanding these options helps truckers comply with regulations while optimizing expenses and operational efficiency.

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